After a rainy season last year, I am sure everyone will agree they are not looking forward to the possibility of another rainy season this year.

Too Much Water in Your Yard is a PROBLEM

It is difficult to mow grass that is under water or you cannot run the mower over the ground without leaving deep ruts. I have had numerous clients inquire about bringing in material to mitigate the problem.

While that is a possibility, I always caution against it. In many situations, that will only cover up the problem and make it less obvious. It does not solve it. I recommend getting wet in the rain. Get out in a heavy rain storm and find the cause. In my area of Virginia, clay a big problem. Water will run off the roof through the gutter downspouts and run into those low spots. Water will also run downhill and collect in the lowest spot in the yard. With frequent rain, high humidity, and a clay soil, the water will not dissipate rapidly.

The solution is to move water away from the problem areas to where it can enter into the storm drain system. This can be done through a combination of downspout extensions and French drains. The first step I recommend is to look at where the gutter downspouts are sending the water. More often than not, the gutter downspouts are uphill of the problem areas. To fix it, move the downspouts outlets away from the house on a downward slope and discharge it where it will not cause you or your neighbor problems. The best idea is get it to discharge near a storm water drainage system. For the initial testing of the concept, do not bother burying the pipe in the ground. Just use solid wall corrugate pipe attached to the gutter downspouts and lay it above ground. When this is done, it could take a month or more to for the water to dissipate so be patient for the long game.

After a month if there is still the issue of soaked ground, a French drain system can be used in combination with the downspout extensions to move the water away. The same principles of moving the water away from the collecting point is applied. Use the French drain system to collect the water and move it down slope away from the problem areas, preferably to a storm water system. Do keep in mind that only the area with the problem needs the French drain. The water can be move from there to the outlet in a solid wall corrugated pipe that is connected to the perforated French drain pipe.

For any questions or suggestions on what you would like to hear about, please feel free to contact me for a free quote.